I. Philosophy

Learning to grow in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is the mission of Christian higher education. We want to educate the heart as well as the mind, desiring to maintain an atmosphere that will be conducive to the development of spiritual maturity and discernment. Because each student coming to The Master’s University professes faith in Jesus Christ, we expect students to grow in that faith through the work of the Holy Spirit.

The Master's University is committed to developing its students into people who obey biblical mandates because they are personally accountable to God and His Word rather than to man alone. University policies are designed by the administration to facilitate an educational environment which honors the Lord.

The student, by virtue of their signature on the application for admission, agrees to live within the framework of the standards of the university both on and off campus while each semester is in session. Though one’s personal convictions may differ with these standards, a student’s choice to become a part of The Master's University community implies a commitment to abide by the established policies.
God calls all believers to submit to the governing authorities (this includes federal, state, and/or local governments and their respective legislation). Romans 13 directs, "Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God…render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor" (vv. 1, 7). Current laws governing the use of technology require students to honor these laws as a mandate regardless of personal opinion. Students who are in violation of such laws will face the consequences of campus discipline, as well as, legal liability.

II. Definitions

Electronic Media - Any electronic medium, including but not limited to: email text, chat, email attachments, gaming, web page viewing, video files, audio files, or computer/program files.

The Master's University Network - Any University computer, server, software, program, facility or the hardware/equipment involved in the interconnection and inter-operation of these items, or any said device connected to any such device at The Master's University(for example, any laptop/PC connected to the University wired/wireless network).

Hacking - Defined as attempting to gain unauthorized access to systems, networks, or data – this includes any unauthorized attempt to incapacitate, interrupt, view, alter, copy or delete systems, networks or data.

"Video" - Defined as watching audio/visual content (or files of such) via PC, DVD player, Blu-ray player, Television, or any other equipment.

"Foreign" Media - Defined as data, images, programs, games, viruses, etc. which did not originally reside on the University network.

Texting - Refers to the exchange of brief written messages between fixed-line phone or mobile phone and fixed or portable devices over a network.

III. Guidelines

Any “unwholesome” [i.e. actions inconsistent with our profession as Christ’s followers committed to holiness, truth, and the proper stewardship of His blessings (possessions, time, etc.)] use of Electronic Media which may include, but not be limited to: email text, chat, email attachments, video files, audio files, electronic/internet gaming, web page viewing or file transfers is expressly forbidden.

Email - Electronic mail which meets the following criteria is prohibited:

  • Spamming - An attempt by any student(s) to issue unsolicited bulk email to other students, or to anyone outside of The Master's University
  • Spoofing - Any attempt to send an email which appears to have originated from someone other than the actual sender. Unrelated to email, prohibited “spoofing” also includes any attempt to impersonate/borrow another user’s login.

Internet & University Network - Internet & University Network/Content Management use is restricted in the following ways:

  • Web Page viewing - Viewing http, https, ftp, or any Internet site regardless of protocol with illegal, pornographic, or any other immoral material is prohibited.
  • Chat - Any application used for “Internet Messaging” or “Instant Messaging” cannot be used for illegal file trading (including, but not limited to audio/video files) or to send illicit messages to anyone.

Uploading & Downloading of any type of electronic media file - The use of the Internet or the University Network for uploading and/or downloading files which contain unwholesome or illegal content is prohibited. THIS INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: ANY CONTENT WHICH IS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW. Therefore, any file sharing involving music, video, audio, computer programs, etc. in which the distributor of the media (web page/site or server) is not a legal and officially licensed distributor of the media is PROHIBITED. Stated alternately, all “pirated” material is clearly prohibited. Simply because media is accessible, or free of charge, does not make it legal. Whether an individual “thinks” such a file transfer/download is legal is irrelevant; Copyright Law indicates it is stealing.

The illegal distribution of copyrighted materials, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject students to criminal and civil penalties. A summary of the penalties for violation of Federal copyright laws can be found here. Any student found to be in violation of these policies could be subject to institutional discipline in addition to criminal and civil penalties.

Hacking - Any usage of the University Network for activities that are directly or indirectly, advertently or inadvertently considered “hacking” are prohibited. Any attempt to bypass security or content restrictions (such as web page filtering) is considered “hacking.”

Foreign Media  -Any attempt to introduce “foreign”, harmful, and/or inappropriate media to The Master’s University Network is clearly prohibited (this includes, but is not limited to: viruses, worms, etc.). Complete responsibility for such actions lies with the student(s) who introduce it. Intentional introduction will be treated as hacking and the destruction of property.

Usage for Internet/Server -The University network is not to be used to set up a personal “server.” The server prohibition includes, but is not limited to: file sharing, DHCP, WINS, DNS, Directory Services and Web Services. For an extended definition, see the Student Network Use Policy.

Phone Usage - Illicit or harassing phone calls are prohibited. This includes calls to phone services with sexual content or any type of inappropriate calls with/to other students.

Texting - Illicit or harassing texting is prohibited. This includes texts with sexual content or any type of inappropriate texts with/to other students.

Printing/Scanning - Printing or scanning or illegal, pornographic, or any other immoral material is prohibited.

IV. Consequences

Each student bears full responsibility for his/her actions as they relate to the use of the University Network or any electronic media. Discipline for all infractions of the Media Ethics Policy will be under the direction of Student Life. This may include, but is not limited to, the suspension and/or revocation of network and Internet access and services.

All legal consequences involving the use/misuse of the University Network or equipment lie solely with the user.

The cost of damages caused by any student(s) enrolled at The Master's University will be born solely by the student(s) responsible individually; they shall not hold the university responsible in any way for their use/misuse of the Network whatever the ramifications of that use/misuse.

Departures from the Media Ethics policy or any misuse of the University Network, which may technically fall outside of this policy but remain within the moral, ethical, and spiritual guidelines intended by the spirit of this policy, are still subject to discipline.